A Discipleship in Expectant Prayer
In both our in-person & online sessions, our approach is focused on helping you to grow in your own prayer life. By modeling & guiding you in different ways to engage all of your heart, soul, mind, & strength in prayer, you will hone your ability to pray & listen expectantly in prayer, discern lies from truth, process events, thoughts/beliefs, emotions, & feelings.
Intercessory & Interactive
Gentle & Guided

When you get stuck, we are here to intercede & help you discover what is getting in the way of making progress. Once that is out of the way, the stubborn belief, feeling, or life strategy will now be more easily redeemed and exchanged for a fruit of the Spirit (or whatever else God gives you in place of it).
When we get to a place of confession, forgiveness, & lament, we will help you to understand & practice these in ways that do not require you to share any private details.
Logical & Spirit-Led
Whether we acknowledge it or not, we all have tender places in our hearts & minds. Events we would like to forget. Unpleasant Beliefs & Emotions that we hold onto or that hold onto us. As our team comes across these places, it is our goal to always take the most gentle approach. Therefore, we avoid reliving & feeling disempowering & unpleasant memories & emotions. While we identify & acknowledge these places, we do not seek to enter into or relive these. Instead, we go around them to see what was believed/felt & deal with what underlies the pain. On the other hand, when we come to delightful & pleasant places where you are experiencing empowering emotions, we linger a bit there, so that you can return to these places later in your own prayer life.

Our prayer times are unscripted & centered highly on helping you to understand the ways that you already hear from God (even if you are not sure you do).
Therefore, during your session our team will prioritize helping you to listen in prayer over sharing their own impressions, advice/opinions, or teaching.
To do this, your prayer leader will use words from your impressions to ask neutral & balanced prayer questions to discover the relationship between events, beliefs, feelings, identity (How you view yourself, God, others, & possessions) & your life strategies.
Once we discover & agree on your story, we will pray into it to discover lies and truth. Then, we will have times of giving & receiving in prayer to help you reform your story by actively surrendering all not of the abundant life of Christ & to receive all that is.
Private & Protected
Sharing testimonies & training out of our experience are important parts of our ministry. However, even when you hear or see a live recorded guest on our Unquenchable podcast, website, trainings, or retreats, personal details have been changed or omitted to ensure our clients, their families, churches, organizations, & nations are all protected. From personal details to maters of national security, our approach is such that you need not share details you would like not repeated.
Christian, PreChristian, & PostChristian Friendly
We are unashamedly Bible-Believing Christian Prayer Ministry who are Praying in the Name of Jesus. Jesus promised that all who believe in Him would received the indwelling of the Spirit of Truth who would lead, guide, teach, remind, & show things to come. In every session we are seeking God the Father & the Son to speak through His Spirit to lead us into the truth that will set you free.
You may not be as certain in your belief in the goodness & power of God the Father, the Son, or the Spirit. You may not have confidence that God cares for your well-being, that you are redeemable, or that you have the capacity to hear from Him. That is OK. Jesus told His disciples that His Spirit was with them & will be in them. And He promised that His Spirit would convict the world of sin, judgement, & righteousness - that includes you! The Apostle Paul confirms this reality in his day & we would love to explore this reality with you in your own life today!

What to Expect From Your Session

Clarity & Direction
Life change is something to experience in a moment & something to be lived out. Regardless of where you are in your journey of expectancy & listening in prayer, a Prayer Discipleship Counseling Session can play a major role in helping you to gain clarity & direction.
Often folks arrive knowing some of the who's, what's, where's, why's & how's of their story. They are able to list key events, persistent emotions & beliefs, & their habits & addictions. However, often they do not know how these are all interconnected. Nor are they able to progress like that they would like in key areas of their lives.
Those who have had good counselors often come with a better understanding of how these interconnect, but are seeking to go beyond management techniques toward more definitive & lasting change that they know should be possible through Christ. And they are right! And we are here to help you in this direction.
Ears to Hear
Depending on your religious upbringing, you may have heard people say things like, "I sensed God leading me to... ," "God called me to...", "I felt convicted...", "I knew God wanted me to..." or even something as strong as "God told me...". This kind of language comes up in even the most theologically conservative churches among faithful followers of Christ.
When phrases like this are used, it is easy for people to imagine that all of these people are hearing from God in an audible voice. However, such an audible voice seems to come mostly during times of immediate urgency. And so, if you are simply listening for an audible voice, you could easily dismiss God's leadings that many are referring.
By the end of our session, you will have a better idea of various ways that God can communicate & the ways that you have heard from Him. And as you learn more ways to listen & pray through things, you will be better able to have ears to hear His leading & experience healing & wholeness in Christ through prayer.
Margin & Motion
Jesus said, "come unto Me all you who are weak & heavy laden & I will give you rest. My burden is easy & My yoke is light." And He promises that "The truth will set you free."
As you pray through things, you will better understand how to actualize these promises through prayer much more quickly than with other forms of counseling.
While people on our Unquenchable Podcast report life-change in a single session, this is often after time to reflect & live out of what happened in that moment. Those who do live it out, often look back on their session as a turning point in their walk that freed them to live & love like they always hoped possible.

I have never felt more free. Every time I would pray that God would give me strength to fight it or that He would take it from me, I only continued to fail. I have been waiting for as long as I can remember to get rid of this burden, & I can confidently say that I have given it to God and no longer have to live under it.
Erin, TN

Thank you again for meeting with me & keeping me in your prayers. Today taught me a lot about myself & really taught me a lot about God. I have never experienced God in such a way that I did today & it was truly amazing!
Brandon, VA

Value and Cost
Many of our clients tell us that they were able to in a single session no only get to the roots of major & longstanding issues in their lives, but also move beyond them. Many walk away with a new lease on life & new ways to effectively pray through issues effectively as they arise in their daily life.
As we train new leaders in churches worldwide, we are working to expand our offerings at various price points. While we make this service free for Pastors & Cross-Cultural Christian Workers, we do not yet have resources to offer service free to all. However, we have made our packages competitively priced, but Only you can weigh the affordability and potential value of time spent with each of our Prayer Discipleship Counselors.
Note: Many churches have what is called a Benevolence Fund to help those in need. Here is a sample letter you can send to your church to Request a Benevolence Fund Scholarship to cover some or all associated expenses for your Prayer Discipleship Session.
Sample Session
Here is a sample of one of our sessions (used with permission of course!)
How Long is Each Session?Between 45 minutes and 2 hours and 15 minutes. It can be shorter or longer depending on how many issues we need to pray through in order to get freedom from the main issue. But rarely is the issue that the client is coming in for the main issue. So, expect your session to be about 1.5 hours.
What is a Session Like?An average session will look something like this: Meet and Greet Prayer of Dedication Prayer of Thanksgiving Praying Through It (1 hr 10 Min): Part I: Discovering your Old Story Part II: Discovering Your New Story Debrief, Sharing Time, and Next Steps (10 Minutes) All throughout this process, one member of the team will be guiding the session by directing prayer questions to the Lord, asking for your feedback, and then using that feedback to form the next prayer question. The other members will silently intercede throughout the time. The goal is to allow the Lord to lead the direction of our prayer time together, placing our experience and gifts in the background. We will pause, at times, to reflect on the story that we are hearing, and we may share a bit with you what we are sensing from the Lord at the end of our session for confirmation and encouragement, but the majority of our time will be spent praying through things, rather than in conversation Often, by the end of our session the person receiving prayer says that they feel “lighter” and “tired, but a good tired.” At the very least, you can expect a couple of significant foundational breakthroughs that will serve as cracks for light to shine into the dark places of your life. Often once we have prayed through things together, clients relate to their new story far more than to their old. They have a renewed understanding of their true self and a new way to view and approach life that often redefines how they view their past, the way they live in the present, as well as how they are looking to their future.
Who will be there?About 2-3 Prayer Leaders.
Is it Confidential?One benefit of our approach is that we do not need to know any personal details in order to pray through things. So, you can rest assured that nothing will be shared that is private or embarrassing – because we won’t even know those details. Even when you hear a testimony on our website, conferences, or podcast, we change and personal details and leave out anything that is not edifying to make sure that everyone feels protected and comfortable with what we are sharing.
Does this Replace Counseling?Often, clients come to us without any previous professsional counseling whatsoever and are able to very quickly experience breakthrough. Others come when they feel as though their counseling sessions have plateaued in their effectiveness and, there too, we are often able to get to underlying beliefs that have proven to be illusive or not yet discovered through counseling. One prayer client said that after two one-hour sessions, “Finally, everything makes sense that my counselor has been trying to tell me for the last 7 years, because Jesus is now in His proper place!” Nonetheless, we are still see great value in the fruit we have seen coming from time spent in counseling sessions. Often, we find that those who have had professional counseling before our sessions come with a greater understanding of the relationship between core memories, key events, and beliefs in relation to fleshly behaviors and thought patterns. This understanding will often give them a leg up, as it streamlines the first segment of the first prayer counseling session. And continued professional counseling following our prayer session will certainly benefit you as you build upon the progress made in your prayer counseling session(s) with us.
How Many Sessions?Pray Through It Prayer Counseling is designed to help you make significant headway in just 1-3 sessions. Often in just one 1.5 hour session, you will: 1) have a much clearer understanding of how relationships and life events shaped what you believe about yourself, God, and others; 2) have made headway in bringing your thoughts and feelings into agreement; and even 3) have exchanged lies, disempowering emotions, and fleshly life strategies for biblical truth, empowering emotions, and Spirit-led life strategies. Pray Through It is more than a Prayer Counseling Ministry. Our hope is that our sessions model how to integrate listening and inner-healing prayer practices into your day-to-day prayer life, so that you can increasingly process thoughts, emotions, and life-events through prayer on your own. Beyond this, we are here to connect you within a praying Spirit-led community where, together, you will support one another and process life through prayer.